Activities of the evening include peeling potatoes and drinking Coronas. The process of peeling potatoes becomes more pleasant as the Corona drinking continues...
Things which currently weigh upon my mind:
- teaching at a private school, salary-wise, is somewhat akin to glorified volunteerism.
- I am categorically opposed to pantyhose. This, alone, probably disqualifies me from most white collar type jobs.
- I have the upper arm strength of a cancerous lemur, and the hand eye coordination of a somewhat backwards infant. This, alone, probably disqualifies me from most bluecollar jobs. Also, I have a strong aversion to fire and heights, which lets out roofing, welding, pottery making, and glass-blowing. Let's not even get into my dislike of driving, dealing with people over the phone, or selling useless products.
- grim corporate entities which attempt to pass themselves off as loving, caring corporate environments where individuals actually matter are more annoying than the straight-up grim corporate entities.
- I like bugs, children, small animals, being useful, cooking, blathering on about biology and chemistry and philosophy, writing about esoteric topics, being cynical, and criticizing earnest people. This probably amounts to a lifelong love of being sort of poor.
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