reading: dostoyevsky, "notes from underground"
"[I was] delighted that she should turn out to be so clever---never a drawback in a woman, as long as she's pretty."
-dostoyevsky, "white nights"
cultivating: some new herbs and assorted potted plants.
I am growing some lemon verbana (smells nice), lavendar, rosemary, and basil. Looking forward to sprinkling fresh basil on top of my microwaved pizzas, like a proper gourmet.
cooking: home-made potstickers.
I ended up burning them a bit, so I had soy eggnog for dinner instead (a decision which was flawed on many levels, but I'm a grownup now, and can eat eggnog for dinner and stay up till three am making mix cds if I want to, so nyah).
perusing: another envelope of wonderfullness from charlie
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