Sunday, December 05, 2004

man it's so loud in here

I've started the whole Christmas decorating thing. My apartment now has "I like hanging up Christmas lights more or less at random at six inches above my eye level because I'm scared of standing on chairs" chic. Also, Mel brought over a small plastic Christmas tree, which, being sort of the runt of the litter, is in need of much love...

Mel visited over the weekend, and we, like, totally part-ay-d. Actually, we mostly wandered from pub to pub in San Diego, and were hit on by men who were not young, attractive, or at all sober (especially the one guy who really, really wanted us to explain why women couldn't grow beards).

And now I have to clean my car out, because I've been volunteered to drive the kiddies on a field trip tomorrow. Hurrah. I'm debating whether to make them a mix cd of cute kid friendly pop-punk, or just play Tom Waits at full volume the whole way down...


Blogger Kitty said...

Me too! Having driven for more field trips than I care to remember, you learn to play what you like, LOUD. Because they all sit there and laugh, scream or shout the whole way. Or when they're older they do chinese fire drills and I've been so tempted to roar away and leave them standing in the street.
Have a good trip! Kitty

7:31 PM  

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