Sunday, February 06, 2005

I'm grading the sixth grader's autobiographical essays tonight.

Entries range from the surreal:

My dog Ashely hates black because it is a mysterious color to her. One day I wore black pants and she bite me on my leg, and I never wore black with her again.

to the tragic:

I crashed [while riding my bike] into the gate of the drive way and when I crashed it hit my face. So my teeth got pushed up into my mouth. When my mom saw she gave me a towel to put on my mouth and drove me to the doctors office.

When I got there they took me to the emergency room to take out the teeth but they werent there. Later that night my teeth fell out of my mouth into my hands.

to the incredibly detailed:

This morning I heard my alarm and thought for some reason that it could turn off by itself. I got so mad because it would not turn off so I rolled over, opened my sleepy, angry eyes, relized I was dreaming, and hit the snooze button. Then seven minutes later it went off again. I hit the off button and got up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy cow. That second one is pure genius. I love it. Teeth... fell out! Goodness. -JOSH M

11:03 AM  

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