Friday, March 04, 2005

insolence (exhibit a)

A sixth grade boy, trying to convince me to remit some disciplinary action or other:

"Pllleeeeeaaaassseee, Miss P! Please? You'll be my favorite teacher. You'll be my favorite teacher EVER! I'll build a shrine to you, and keep it in my closet! And I'll visit it every day!"

Eeesh. I'm still amused by the fact that this shrine building offer was supposed to persuade me...although, I guess I could do with some worshippers...

insolence (exhibit b)

The seventh grade boys, their mode of greeting me this morning:

"'Allo, poppet!"

As it turns out, they were imitating a line from "Pirates of the Caribbean." Yet another argument against allowing the young and impressionable to watch these so-called "moving pictures."


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