A Monday night on a campus with an eleven p.m. curfew. Yours truly and two other girls (hint: one is now a housewife) dress in black, paint on false moustaches, fill a pillow case with food, and climb out the window of our sex-segregated dormitory. Cue much ducking behind bushes and sidling around trees, a la mission impossible. We then break into the library (easily effected with a credit card, at the time). The library is cavernous, and at night, a bit spooky. We have a picnic in the middle of the library. Then we set up a sound system and run through the stacks, shrieking like banshees, while our normally staid surroundings were filled with the strains of...Queen.
Thinking back on it, I'm still not sure why the moustaches were necessary. Or the Queen, for that matter.
A Monday night at chez wavelet. I'm trying to do this Charleston...thing. Normally, this would go along the lines of:
kick turn kick step, kick turn kick step.
When I'm practicing it, it's more like:
kick kick stumble step, kick kick kick "FUCK!!!" turn kick step step "DAMMIT!" kick.
I'm thinking of taking up, umm, boxing. At least, no matter what, I'd get to hit things.
Charleston is easy. A little bit of practice with a good lead (like me!) will have you kicking and rock stepping like a pro. Besides, its fun! Good luck. If you were doing tandem Charlsston - wow, now that is tough. But the outbursts of violent 4 letter language are because you are being stepped on....
Ah, yas, library after curfew was the shiz-nit...
lol. i needed that tonight!
i remember one night sneaking trhough the library with a particular canadian and not being able to access what we were searching for. we departed out the back and as soon as we stepped across the threshhold of our dorm we saw a prefect walk up to the back of the library and go in! talk about cutting it close...
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