Saturday, April 09, 2005

Argh. Since when did men switch from asking for your phone number to giving you their business card? Also, what is the Miss Manners approved response to men twenty years your senior who, after making awkward chit chat for several minutes, silently hand you their business card? Should one:

a. Say "Thanks, I'll be sure to call you if I ever need a..." *glance at card* "systems manager!"

b. Scrutinize the card, exclaiming over the fact that they have a cell phone AND a pager.

c. Accept the card graciously. Retreat to other side of dance floor.

d. Stare at it, with a puzzled expression, and murmer "Umm. OK."

I went with option d. So smooth, I am. Argh again. Trouble is, I really feel sorry for the sweet computer geeks with abysmal social skills. Dammit, I don't want to hurt their feelings. However, talking to them is like walking with a four year old clinging to your ankles (I'm really too tired to explain this analogy, take it as you will).


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