Friday, June 03, 2005

Yesterday, at 3:45 pm, I was home, puttering around in bare feet, drinking a beer, and fixing one of my inimitable shrimp mushroom medleys. I AM A TEACHER, HURRAH!

Also, you know what I have in two weeks? SUMMER VACATION. That's right. No snarky high school students offering to do my makeup (I used to wear makeup to work, then I thought to myself..."Wait. Who am I trying to impress? Not the seventeen year old boys, that's for damn sure."). No emotionally unbalanced middle school students collapsing in tears for no discernable reason. No back and forth arguments about late homework, never turned in homework, and the mitigating circumstances thereof. No telling anyone not to run around the classroom like a crazed mongoloid/throw pens so that they stick into the porous ceiling/hit girls/pass notes about how soandso is only attractive for his personality/steal other people's lunches and play catch/sneeze without covering mouth. No more banging my head against the thick wall of adolescence or proto-adolescence. Screw all y'all, I'm dyeing my hair black and traveling the states as part of an avant-garde puppet review!

All right, not really. Teaching isn't all that bad. The adolescents are kind of cute by turns. My favorite evil senior got accepted to college, which makes me very happy. He's going to be wildly successful someday; he's the kind of independent/crazy which doesn't make for a good high school experience, but which makes him the kind of student that good colleges are designed for. And the juniors and seniors apparently want me to come to their prom. In an effort to lure me in, they claimed there would be square dancing. Heh. Riiiight...

Seriously. What should I do with my summer? Note that I am very poor. Summer suggestions which make money are the best. A 500 word essay about what Miss P should do with her summer is due Monday. START WRITING, BITCHES.


Blogger Sean Schniederjan RKC said...

hey, why not teach summer school?

11:10 AM  
Blogger Byagi said...

I bet the students would love it if you told them to START WRITING BITCHES. ...well, at least I would have liked it as a student.

12:55 PM  

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