Thursday, July 07, 2005

In order to beat LA and Bay Area traffic, I drove all night. This turned out to be a terrible idea. See, without someone else in the car to keep me awake and focused, I had to resort to strategies such as rolling down the windows and turning up the radio, and allowing the chill night air and mariachi music to PIERCE my SOUL! Also, I drank enough rot-gut gas station coffee to mess up my internal organs for good. BLEH. I even turned off at a trucker rest stop (at around 4 am) to nap fitfully for an hour; counter to the testimony of several comedic movies, I did not observe any trucker orgies going on in the bushes (for the kids in the audience, by orgies, I mean gluttonous tea drinking parties).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We stopped all that. Couldn't keep the brush out of our camomile. Now we do it in the back of our cabs!

11:30 AM  
Blogger Prophet said...

hahaha. priceless

6:59 PM  

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