Time for a new* car!
What kind should I get? Am I more a Honda Civic person, or a Toyota Camry person? Be honest...
* by "new" I mean "different than the car I had," or possibly "new to me," not "brand new without cat urine smells or funny rattling noises of any kind."
hmm. or maybe a geo prizm.
I was thinkning along the lines of a a '58 T-Bird. No, wait, that's me. But It might suit you too, if you reved the engine in neutral at stoplights. Bright bright red. Like,bright red. Yeah, get one of those.
Mazda! MAZZ! DA!
That's all I have to say about that.
Volkswagon! Volkswagon!
leithers! have you been getting the mad emails back and forth this weekend? i hope you can email everyone back and let us know your availability.. it would be really fun to all be together again! - j rock :)
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