When I pray, I am wont to turn my eyes towards heaven; I've found that, as a consequence, I'm beginning to attach a religious significance to my apartment's ceiling fan. Maybe I should add some iconography to the fan blades. I'm sure my landlord would love that.
My car has been inspected, and pronounced whacked out (the mechanics got a bit excited trying to list all of the electrical problems...if they were doctors, I'm sure my Caddy would be a case study) but driveable. The odometer does not work, the speedometer works rarely, the air conditioning is a hollow joke, fans start and stop at random, my high beams are non-existent, the warning lights apparently have no bearing whatever on the actual condition of the engine, but what of it? The brakes are good, the tires fair. All I ask is a Cadillac and a star to steer her by...
In case this next attempt at traversing California proves fatal, I leave to you, dear readers, my collection of humorous hats.
Dibs on the leopard-print fez!
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