Monday, August 01, 2005

Life is basically one huge hassle after another. Sources of hassle include, but are not limited to, banks, telecommunications companies (cell, broadband, and landline), IRA rollovers, auto repair shops, credit card companies, insurance companies, the DMV, landlords, payroll, smog regulations, airlines, library late fees, the IRS, Caltrans, doctor's offices, Amtrak, and last but not least, jury duty.

But, at least, in California, we're spared the hassle of intestinal parasites, monsoons, snow chains, and blue laws.


Seriously, though. I want to live in a back to the land isolationist quasi-commune where the only time you pay taxes is when the (duly elected by random lottery) feudal lord rides through and sets a few cottages on fire. Where the only legal mode of transportation is breed your own mule, or assemble your own hovercraft, and the only acceptable form of payment is in terms of live goats and/or witty haiku. Where we're off the grid, but on the interweb. Where EBOOOOONY AND IIIIIIIVORY live together in perfect HAAAAAAAARMONY...all right, I'll shut up now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

But, at least, in California, we're spared the hassle of intestinal parasites, monsoons, snow chains, and blue laws.

OK. I'll grant you monsoons. But intestinal parasites and snow chains are regularly found in the Sierra Nevada. And tell my local saloonkeeper that there are no blue laws when he tosses me out at 2am (or when he tells me that I can't smoke in the bar, or even in front of the bar door, in some more barbaric towns).

11:32 AM  
Blogger JP said...

Hi there,
I'll be a sophomore at TAC this coming semester. Last semester I and some friends started a school newspaper something like the Onion but with a serious article or two each issue. We're hoping now to go online with it, and we started a blog to do so:

I was introduced to your blog through an alumnus and I very much enjoy it. I think it would be nice to have a bunch of links to other alumni's blogs. Would you mind if I linked to yours?

Ours is in the very beginning stages, so it's not much to look at now. But we hope for it to grow when we all get back to school. Hopefully you'll check it out and enjoy it.

8:22 AM  

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