While trying to drive home the distinction between material and immaterial, I asked my seventh graders whether you can touch/taste/see/smell your own soul. Cue an entire classroom of squirrelly proto-adolescents trying to smell each other's souls.
Just shoot me now...
(it's fun, really it is.)
Hmmm. How to account for the scent of roses that accompanies apparitions of Mary? And as my father lay dying of cancer, there was a scent -- was it the dying or the morphine? -- a scent that I still sometimes catch more than a month after his passing. I think we know a lot less about things like souls and resurrected bodies and eternity than textbooks state. Praying for you.
I can't remember now how I stumbled upon your blog, but I just have to say "thank you". I have been getting some much needed laughter from your writing, and it felt good. I have a 7th grade son I am homeschooling and he is driving me batty - I now have a much clearer understanding of him, and plan to let lots more of his behaviour be chalked up to "normal". Also, love the "crap fairy". gonna use that, if you don't mind.
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