Sunday, November 20, 2005

My bed is falling apart.

By way of explanation, when I first moved into Chez Wavelet, I was so busy running around and attending teacher inservices and whathaveyou that I didn't go bed shopping for a week and a half. When I finally went to a mattress type store, it was without preparation or price comparison; I just wanted to stop sleeping on the floor. So, for reasons that I cannot presently recall, I bought a metal futon frame and mattress. Also, I did not pay to have it assembled. I think my logic was "I've looked over other people's shoulders while they were assembling furniture and offered helpful advice scads of time! Scads! Surely this translates into furniture assembling ability...nay, furniture assembling acumen!"

So, they dropped the futon components in all their fragmented glory off at my apartment. The mattress frame and end pieces were bulky, and heavy, and I'm rather a wimp, so I ended up propping various pieces on boxes in an effort to keep them balanced while I screwed other pieces into them. As time went on, my efforts began to diverge from those recommended by the (cryptic) instruction manual. Things kept sliding off, or falling off, or failing to fit. I'm not really sure how I concluded the construction, but I remember that at the end, I had something which looked very much like a bed frame...and several leftover nuts, bolts, screws, and so forth. By then, I was too frustrated to figure out what went wrong, so I shoved the futon in the corner and called it good. Not very good, mind you...

Since that day, a year or so ago, various pieces have been dropping off of the bed frame. First it was washers...then entire spring things have started to come loose. At this point, it's less together than it is apart. Still, it remains standing. But the end could come any day.

In conclusion, donations to buy me a hammock are solicited. As long as it's one of those no assembly required kinds.


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