Just broke up with the boyf, and there isn't a drop of alcohol in the house. Also, I drank all the eggnog. And I've sworn off coffee. See below. Where's the self medication when I need it?!?!?!
He was a very nice guy, honest, upright, and so forth. We broke up for the sake of hypothetical children (won't someone please think of the children?); he decided that he wasn't comfy with the idea of raising a brood of Papists, after all (being Prot, himself). The prospect of finding one of his general description, only this time in new improved Catholic flavor, just makes my head hurt.
Paris vaut bien une messe.
- Henri IV
I'll phone tonight.
you said: Where's the self medication when I need it?!?!?!
I recommend a hookah. (An actual, arabian hookan. We have one. Come see us. Anyway.)
All of the relaxation without the stink OR the sore throat! (No, no wacky-tobacky. Just Molasses-apple flavored stuff.) (Mel knows how to get in touch with us. And we know where to procure the goods.)
That, too.
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