Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Conversation between the eighth grade boys today...

Boy 1: "I have this amazing ability to distinguish between what is butter, and what is not butter."
Boy 2: "Don't be silly, nobody can do that!"

In other news, I've been coffee free for the past week. This is partly an exercise in Advent penitence, partly an effort to determine what my personality is like in the absence of stimulants. Some people experiment with drugs; I experiment with not taking drugs! Anyway, the effects of caffeine abstention have been interesting. The headaches and sluggishness wore off after a couple of days, and I was left with a sense of uncharacteristic calm. This is good, in some ways; I'm nowhere near as easily irritated (and believe me, life with the middle schoolers can be very irritating). However, I also feel as if my brain cells have settled in for a long winter nap. So, which is better...tense, jittery, and smart, or calm, mellow, and dull?


Blogger ridley said...

See, yeah, that's why I never drank coffee in college. Why be all alert for that 8:30 philosophy class, when it will just make the pain that much sharper?

10:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, which is better...tense, jittery, and smart, or calm, mellow, and dull?

Such important questions should only be answered when you are at your smartest. Best drink a cup of coffee before deciding.

4:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I would go into some sort of shock if there were too much blood in my caffeine stream. Tense and jittery come from drinking drip coffee. Switch to pure espresso (well-made, without the addition of cow-juice) and those problems go away. I oughta know. I drink eight shots of it a day.

11:13 AM  

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