Sunday, January 15, 2006

Mel tagged me, so I guess the internet will just have to deal with my top five weirdest habits list thing:

1. Before making any major life changes, I cut my hair - The Spartans braided their hair before going into battle...I chop my hair off before taking a new job, moving, etc.

2. The less comfortable I am around people, the larger my vocabulary gets - If I don't know someone well, or am for some other reason less than bestest buddies with them, I tend to speak in terms of long, stilted sentences littered with ten dollar words. e.g. to a friend I would say "Hi, how's it goin?!" but to someone I don't know well, it's more likely to turn out "Hello, and how is your day The weather patterns recently have been, um, splendid." This habit embarrasses the hell out of me, but the more embarrassed I am, the more grandiloquent my speech patterns get. Just shoot me now.

3. Perpetual fear of bank statements - For some reason, getting my bank statements in the mail fills me with terror, even though I don't live beyond my means and have never overdrawn my account. So, I've worked around the situation by only checking my bank statements online. Ditto my credit card bill and my phone bill. As long as it isn't in an envelope, I'm fine.

4. I fall asleep at parties - I find having lots of people standing around and talking very soothing. Combine that with alcohol, and you'll usually find me curled up in an armchair asleep before the end of the evening. Put a funny hat on me and then leave me in peace, please.

5. Compulsive buying of abstruse books - I often buy books which I know, in my heart of hearts, that I'm never going to read, but which I feel I would like to have read (e.g. the multiple tomes on calculus I've accumulated over the years). Some people buy clothes in a size too small, to motivate themselves to lose weight...I buy books which require more mental effort than I'm capable of, in an effort to motivate myself to be smarter.

I probably have weirder habits than these, feel free to point out any I've missed. Tag: Chaz, Deirdre, Dan.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

#2 reminds me of freshman year when you'd walk past me in the hall, flash the peace sign, and say "Greetings, earthling", and I'd be left wondering what on earth one replies to that...

12:22 AM  

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