Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I spotted a permutation of the "here is my family in stick figure form" bumper decoration meme. This Jetta driver had the normal stick figure line up---himself, two kids, and a dog---but in the spot where the stick figure mom would normally go, he had a sticker which said "VACANT." Thus advertising the fact that he was a single dad on the prowl.

How could this possibly help his dating prospects? Is he hoping that women will rear end him in traffic as an excuse to meet him, all romantic comedy style? "Oh, and, uh, I see you have a stick figure mom vacancy...want to grab coffee sometime?"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw a similar one once, but instead of "VACANT" the mom spot had a circle with a slash through it. The middle aged man driving was very well groomed and in the passenger seat was a second middle aged man, equally well groomed.

5:11 PM  

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