pants-wettingly funny incident:
John Baby and I were sitting outside at a corner cafe, at about 11 pm last night. The night was pretty quiet, except for two guys who were having some kind of altercation across the street. One guy began to walk away, and the other, the apparent source of all the noise, began walking toward us, shouting "FUCK the pack of cigarettes, WHERE is my fucking PHONE?!?!?" Then, directed towards no-one in particular: "Yeah, you heard me...WHERE is my fucking PHONE?!?" Finally, he reached the corner where we were, and began savagely hitting the walk button for the traffic light. He stood there fuming for a few seconds, then announced: "FUCK this shit. AIN'T NO TRAFFIC!!!" and crossed the (completely deserted) street.
I wouldn't want to come between Mr. Furious and his phone. Nosirree. He totally showed those traffic laws, too.
You forgot how we had to hold in the laughter for at least a minute until he was (sort of) out of earshot.
Magic moments...
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