Saturday, March 25, 2006

Wavelet and John Baby have more fun.

Bio-ethics discussion de-railed:

W: Wait, how long has beer been around?

JB: Thousands of years, I think?

W: That is long enough to explain why guys are the way they are! Beer goggles have become an evolutionary advantage!

JB: Um...

W: Seriously. The man who stops and thinks about whether or not he should have children at this point in time and with this woman? Not having very many children. The man who is all "You're pretty when I'm drunk"? His seed will live long in the land.

This is why they call him Smoove John B:

JB: It's funny, but whenever I see movies now, I find something that reminds me of you in every actress.

W: Hmm.

JB: For example, tonight, Natalie Portman [in "V is for Vendetta"]...well, maybe I shouldn't say this, it isn't very romantic.

W: Shoot.

JB: Well, after Natalie Portman had her head shaved, all I could think was "She has a hairy neck, just like Wavelet!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey alethia!!! best wishes and all that stuff!

...Brigid Mcc

4:01 PM  

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