Sunday, April 16, 2006

John and I made the trip from San Diego to Berkeley for Easter in my small but sturdy '91 Honda Civic. The car does not have air conditioning, so we had to roll down the windows and conduct conversations at a bellow. Also, the car does not have a sound system, so we made do by hooking up a car adaptor up to a cheap boombox, balanced precariously on a bundle of blankets in the back seat and belching out tinny tunes. Further, John is so tall, and the car is so tiny, that he spent the whole trip with his knees basically around his ears. Finally, the suspension on the car is so bad that every jolt and pot hole is absorbed by the passenger's spinal coloumn, more or less uninterrupted. By the time we made it to Berkeley, we were partially deaf and mostly crippled.



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