Friday, September 29, 2006

Life is fairly busy around here. Last weekend John Baby and I went to the (Catholic Church mandated) marriage preparation course thing. There were many interludes where we were supposed to discuss things like "how do you feel about children?" or "on a scale of 1 to 10, how important is religion to you?"

John Baby and I have already discussed these things, albeit without bringing in scales of 1 to 10. In fact, we talked over all the standard issues within the first three months of dating, because we are crrrrrazy like that. This leaves us with the following topics to discuss:

- Is it really funny to dress babies in wigs?

- So, like, if we had met while I was thirteen, and he was seventeen, how weird would that be?

- After we get married, should we continue to file our blogs separately, or together? If together, will it be as punkrockphilosopher or as herreid? Or should we merge the names? If we merge them, would it be punkrockherreidphilosopher, or herreidpunkrockphilosopher, or punkrockphilosopherherreid? Or should we make up some completely new name?


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