This asshat has an online personal!
What a way with the ladies! When some gal on the online singles site shuts him down, he writes a blog post on the "close minded fury of a modern woman." He also wants a dowry. And why not? Such a catch he is. As self centered as Caligula, and probably much less fun at parties.
The only comforting thing is that the site has about twice as many men as women listed thereon. Phew. At least they aren't going to out-breed us any time soon, as many modern women of fury prefer the men who aren't asshats.
Props to John Baby for pointing out the above linkies.
Does that mean I wear an ass on my hat or my hat has an ass? :-)
One might think that you have assumed the worst, without bothering to engage. And why not? It's the easy thing to do.
Engaging a Protestant (especially and SSPXer) is about as fruitful as dialog with a plum tree.
Call me an old-fashioned traditionalist, but I don't go for all of this ecumenical crap, whether the Prottie in question is Anglitic or SSPX. It strikes me as a wishy-washy interpretation of the Second Vatican Council.
Dude, Stephen, I TOTALLY feel your pain! Fathers won't work overtime so that they can pay me to marry their daughters either! LAME!
Darned Vatican II, now I'll never get a wife...
Yes Thomas, I consider that an excellent and incisive synthesis of what I said.
(insert sarcasm here)
Of course, what do I know about working, other than that my dad had 2 jobs and my mom had 3 when we were going through some very hard times in Dallas.
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