Dear The Internets,
Here is the shit which has gone down since last week:
ahem...Saturday, John Baby proposed. While Hot Chocolate's "You Sexy Thing" was looping on my computer in the background. So very romantic.
Monday, it became increasingly evident that my new next door neighbors were manufacturing meth in their apartment. Chemical smell increasing in frequency and strength.
Tuesday, called the land lady, and then the police.
Wednesday, officially homeless. It seems like it will take a while for this whole situation to be resolved, and the fumes were making me physically ill, and are also potentially toxic/combustible....also, meth-addled neighbors potentially having a shoot out with the police doesn't sound like fun to now I am couch surfing with some tolerant lady teachers. I'll need to find a new place, I guess? Meanwhile, hoping my book collection doesn't get bullet riddled, melted, or caught on fire in my absence.
Thursday, John Baby discovers that his ATM number and PIN have been used to withdraw the entirety of his bank account at an ATM in Chicago. Probably due to the Office Depot purchases he has made this year...apparently Office Depot, among other merchants, have had their systems compromised and allowed people to manufacture usable ATM cards with PINs to match.
Anyway. We're getting married, and the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Please attend our wedding in January! With our luck, there will be a direct meteor strike right after the cake cutting!