The other day, I was helping make dinner at John Baby's house. We were making some stuffed pasta shell thingies, so I had a mixing bowl full of chopped chicken, ricotta cheese, fresh basil, all that good stuff. I noticed that the recipe also called for an egg. Reached in fridge, grabbed egg carton, cracked egg in, and then read the side of the egg carton. Apparently, these eggs had expired sometime in May (ha! it's almost September!). Of course, wasting all that ricotta cheese was totally out of the question, so we just cooked the pasta shells, bad egg be damned.
We are still alive, and didn't even get the runs. Although I did have a fairly weird dream that night that John Baby was already married...but, as it turns out, it was all right, because he wasn't married to a person. In my dream, I was very relieved.